Busy Parents can Still Enrich Children's Education at Home

Heike Verhoef - 21 Jan 22

woman in white shirt holding black ipad
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Let's be honest, you never signed up for this. It is clear that trends in education are shifting, but are you prepared for the new (and additional) demands of being a parent and teacher? As a parent, you want to give your child the best, in all regards, but you might feel as if you never signed up for certain things, like keeping up with their education at home. You might be up for the task, but most parents are not curriculum experts and won't know where to begin.

Here the internet is really your friend. With the onset of the global coronavirus pandemic and the lockdowns and school closures that followed the vast amount of resources on the internet that can enrich your child's education at home came to the rescue. The internet is a great place to find extra classes and homeschooling resources, but it is not without its challenges. The prices of online learning platforms can be expensive and finding all the relevant modules and topics can be tricky and tedious. Matric students looking for online mathematics or physical science support may know this struggle all too well - finding the exact problem and the solution you are looking for among thousands of videos can take very long.

dorKk solves these problems. Parents can rest assured that qualified teachers are guiding their children through the relevant CAPS-aligned material. The lessons are organised and follow the curriculum exactly so that any concept a learner might be struggling with is easily identifiable and accessible.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/D5Dge-AYDWU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

"As parents, we all have our own plans. We have a routine and we have a structure. But with all this change, none of that applies anymore. It doesn’t work. Now, were desperately looking for solutions. You signed up for your profession, but you didn’t sign up to be a teacher. Let dorkk be the teacher for your children. We have professionals that have made videos that deal with just one lesson at a time so that your kids can work independently. Go to dorkk.online. Give it a try. There’s even a free trial, so you have nothing to lose."

Yvonne van Wyk is a Counsellor and Educational Therapist that offers Parent Coaching through the HOPE (Helping Overwhelmed Parents with Education) programme. She is the founder of Balanced Brain where she uses her 25 years of experience to break down the barriers that stop people from becoming the best version of themselves. She understands that parents might feel like they never signed up for this as they juggle the roles of caregiver, provider, and educator.

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online learning extra lessons online lessons dorkk dorkk online Children's Education coronavirus pandemic education at home school closures extra classes homeschooling resources online mathematics physical science

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