What About Extra Life Sciences Lessons? Exam Preparation Made Easy
Heike Verhoef - 22 Jan 22
3 Handy Tips for Passing Your Life Sciences Exam. Life Sciences: the scientific study of living things and how they function in and interact with other life forms and the environment around them. An exceptionally interesting subject that is guaranteed to increase our appreciation and understanding of the natural world we all live in and valuable addition to any learner hoping to go into the medical or biological fields after graduating high school.
Preparing for your final Life Sciences exam in matric can feel as overwhelming as preparing for mathematics or physics. Life Sciences is a subject filled with difficult terminology, complex structures, concepts and diagrams to study and comprehend. Genetics, evolution, reproductive systems, homeostasis, and the list goes on. In the school-leaving examination, matriculants are required to write two Life Sciences papers adding up to a total of five hours of writing time. There is A LOT of material to work through. No one knows this better than dorKk. dorKk is an online learning platform that hosts thousands of CAPS aligned video lessons across all grades and most subjects presented by experienced and qualified teachers.
When studying for your Life Sciences exam, follow these three handy tips to get the best out of your revision sessions:
1. Watch online revision lessons
On the dorKk platform, you can watch the entire grade 12 Life Sciences curriculum for the whole year broken up into concept videos. Jenny van Rensburg and Cosette Toerien are exceptional and experienced Life Sciences teachers both sharing a passion for all things Biology. Not only do they take you through the whole year’s work but they also work through past exam paper questions throughout their lessons.
The dorKk platform is designed in such a way that you can easily identify the topic of a lesson so that you are able to find those concepts you struggle with or if you just want a refresher on a topic. Having an expert talk you through the content in between reading textbooks and writing summaries can ensure that you get the best out of your revision sessions.
2. Make terminology flashcards
In Life Sciences, you need to know your biological terms. Do not let the overwhelming amount of words that, let’s be honest, are not part of your daily vocabulary get the better of you. If you master the language of Life Sciences, you can focus on comprehending the systems and structure of which they form part. Don’t let big words and complex terminology hinder you.
An easy way to nail the terminology is to use flashcards. Take some time to make flashcards, or use fun apps designed specifically for this purpose (like this one) and quiz yourself.
3. Use visual aids
Life Sciences is a visual subject. It’s all about structures and systems. Print out or draw diagrams of cells, reproductive, respiratory or nervous systems, label them and use colours to make it more interesting. Use tables to visualise how genetic variation occurs and draw pictures of plants and the support and transport systems that occur in and between them.
Find unlabeled diagrams on the internet and fill them out - you will be asked to label diagrams in your test after all.
And finally, watch dorKk videos where our teachers talk you through the concepts with the help of visual support.
If you want further tips on how to study effectively, check out this blog article on how to get the best out of your study sessions and apply it to your Life Sciences exam revision and preparation.
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