Are You Meeting Your Child's Needs?

Heike Verhoef - 21 Jan 22

boy wearing gray vest and pink dress shirt holding book
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

How can you ensure that your child's academic needs are being met? Yvonne van Wyk is a Counsellor and Educational Therapist that offers Parent Coaching through the HOPE (Helping Overwhelmed Parents with Education) programme. She is the founder of Balanced Brain where she uses her 25 years of experience to break down the barriers that stop people from becoming the best version of themselves. She believes that dorKk can help ensure that you meet your child's needs.

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As a parent, we’re always worried: Are we meeting our children’s needs? We may be providing them with a meal and give them a warm place to sleep at night. But do you have the knowledge to help your child academically?
At dorkk, we’ve got experienced teachers, who have developed thorough lessons, to help them get through the subjects they need to.

They can go onto the platform, choose the subject and choose the lesson. They can watch that lesson as many times as they need to. Or just take parts from it, until they understand.

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